Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

2021 Independent Evaluation of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel (WGWAP)

Final evaluation of the performance of a scientific advisory panel led by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) designed to mitigate an offshore oil project in Sakhalin in Russia Far East using interviews, a survey, literature review, and verification through outcome harvesting.

Small Grants and Social Movements: Two Case Studies of Grantmaking and Extractive Industries in Ghana and Peru

Led this research project with two researchers and Greengrants staff overseas. It is a summary of Global Greengrants Fund case studies in Ghana and Peru of the effectiveness of small grants to civil society to support social movement strategies responding to the mining industry. At the same time, the research contributed to formulation of a Greengrants strategy to create a more profound impact and deeper coherence in its small grants program. The study gave practical recommendations for how to work on wicked problems using small grants, and has been very helpful in working with grantmakers since that time.

UNEP Project Evaluation

Evaluation of a Quick Start Programme of the United Nations Environment Programme implemented by Women in Europe for a Common Future to support NGO activity in Georgia on reducing exposure to hazardous chemicals from pesticides and housing construction.

SAICM Citizens Report

Led production of this report by a coalition of advocacy organizations on every continent for a May 2009 meeting convened by the United Nations Environment Programme.

When the Police Are the Perpetrators

Provided expert input for Cultural Survival in documenting an ongoing human rights conflict in northern Kenya against Indigenous peoples. Conducted interviews with eyewitnesses, human rights NGOs, and government institutions.

2018 Independent Evaluation of the Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel (WGWAP)