Arcus Foundation
CARE International
Catholic Relief Services
Centers for Disease Control/ TEPHINET
Christian Aid UK
Climate Breakthrough Project
Climate Justice Resilience Fund
Colorado Interfaith Power and Light
CorpWatch/Social Good Fund Inc.
Cultural Survival
Eco-Accord Center for Environment and Sustainable Development
Ecology and Environment
German Red Cross/Somali Red Crescent Society
Global Greengrants Fund
Global Greengrants Fund UK/Funders Initiative on Civil Society
Governor’s Climate and Forest Task Force
Grassroots International
Institute for Social and Environmental Transition International (ISET)
International Center for Nonviolent Conflict (ICNC)
International Federation of the Red Cross /Red Crescent (IFRC) Global Disaster Preparedness Center
International Funders of Indigenous Peoples (IFIP)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
The Kiisi Trust
Land is Life
The Lester Fund
Liliane Foundation
Lutheran World Relief
Management Assistance Group
Mercy Corps
Michigan State University
New Foundations Nonviolence Center
National Council of Returned Peace Corps Volunteers
No Impact Project
Oxfam America
Pesticide Action Network International
RTC Impact Fund
Urgent Action Fund for Women
Women in Europe for a Common Future
World Vision Australia